Peace Holiday International, November 3,
US elections have long affected the entire world, those of
us Americans who are unhappy with both candidates for president, call on
our allies everywhere on the globe to join us in a Peace Holiday,
Wednesday, November 3--the day after the election. We are asking citizens
of the world to join us in expressing our displeasure at the continuing
fascist-like regime in the
Especially since the demise of the
ago, the
and wherever you live on the planet, if you are not part of its small,
privileged group, you are open to exploitation. So if you are not a
of some international corporate gang dominated by the
game to the ruling elite based in
But we freedom and democracy-loving people are not powerless. Our
collective voice can have an impact. Last year, on Feb. 15, 2003, between
fifteen and thirty million of us all over the world marched and
demonstrated against the US-led invasion of Iraq. We didn't stop the war
machine but many of us are convinced the Bush Administration and the
Pentagon drastically amended their plan of "shock and awe" that might
the world a lesson. "You are with us or against us," Pres. Bush
himself so
arrogantly announced to the world..
We believe the world is a community not a market to be exploited.
We urge all people of good will to join us on Nov. 3, regardless of who
wins the election in the
Buy nothing, stay at home and celebrate peace by continuing to organize
resistance to the
Check out our web site at And e-mail us your
ideas at Please
join us in this effort.